Module: RSpec

Defined in:


How does ABQ & its protocol work?

This is a reframing of some of With pointers to where it is implemented in this codebase.

One or more abq workers each launch a “native runner” (in this case, rspec). one of the native runners is designated the one to produce a manifest (via an environmental variable).

Each native runner is passed a socket address as an environmental variable to communicate with its worker. The first message sent over the socket is the NATIVE_RUNNER_SPAWNED_MESSAGE, sent from the native runner to the worker. (see: ‘Abq.socket`)

The Manifest

The manifest is used by the abq supervisor to coordinate workers. The manifest contains

  • a list of all the tests to run. Each worker will receive a slice of these tests.

  • native-runner specific information for configuring workers. In RSPec’s case – we send ordering information to ensure each instance of rspec orders its specs consistently

The manifest is written in the monkey-patched RSpec::Core::Runner#run_specs method (see ‘RSpec::Abq::Extensions::Runner`)

After the manifest has been generated and sent to the worker, that native runner quits and is relaunched fresh as as a non-manifest-generating worker.

“Normal” Native Runners

Non-manifest-generating native runners first perform an initialization handshake, fetching init message from the worker, which either has config information or instructions for abq to quit early. (see: ‘Abq.configure_rspec`)

After that, native runners fetch test cases from the worker, and send back test results. RSpec will iterate over all tests, but running only those that the worker tells it to run and skipping the rest. It will quit when all tests have been iterated over.

Loading rspec-abq

The gem itself is usually loaded when ‘require spec_helper.rb` is called (either explicitly via `require rspec/abq` or implicitly via the Gemfile). The spec_helper is usually loaded in one of two ways:

  • via a ‘–require spec_helper` in the .rspec file, which means the gem is loaded BEFORE specs are loaded

  • or via a ‘require spec_helper.rb` in the spec itself, which means the gem is loaded WHILE specs are actively being loaded.

In either case: the manifest cannot be written until AFTER specs are loaded, so all that loading the gem does is

  • check if rspec is being run via an abq worker

  • and if so, monkey patch rspec to hook in rspec-abq functionality

Once rspec is patched …

First run manifest generation against the native runner on a single worker:

  • configure hard-coded rspec settings (Abq.configure_rspec) called from RSpec::Abq::Extensions::World#ordered_example_groups

  • generate the manifest via RSpec::Abq::Extensions::Runner#run_specs

(the native runner quits)

Then run the native runner again on one or more workers:

  • configure static rspec settings, plus settings fetched from the init_message in the manifest.

  • then fetch and test cases from the worker and send back test results until there are no tests left

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: Abq